
To make your first PSUP story you need one main thing, a sus file so go ahead and make a file called yourstory.sus.

Now open that file in your preferred text editor and write some SUScript in it, refer to the SUScript documentation.

Now you have to ways to run your story / game:

  • Run it directly from the terminal by typing:

    sup <path-to-your-story>

    or cd to the directory with it and type

    sup <story-name>.

    for more info on the PSUP CLI check the CLI documentation <cli.html>.

  • Run it with Python: (recommended)

    To run a SUScript file with Pyhton make a .py file in the story’s directory and type in it:

    from psup import Story
    story = Story("your-story-name")

    The reason this method is reccomended is so that IF you want to change the I/O methods of the Story class or want to change how it start/runs/ends thats doable by either using the provided decorators or directly subclassing the Story class.

And that’s it, now you created a SUScript file and ran it, give yourself a pat on the pat!